Harley-davidson Softail 16300 miles - Lake Katrine - Motorcycles for sale, used motorcycles for sale, Lake Katrine - 1714253


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Harley-davidson Softail 16300 miles - Motorcycles for sale, used motorcycles for sale

Ref. number: 1714253 Updated: 15-05-2014 19:01

Price: 6 000 USD $

Offering: Motorcycles for sale, used motorcycles for sale in United States, New York, Lake Katrine

No call please. e-Mail : lanesallielw9@ukos.com 2005 Harley Davidson Softail Deluxe FLSTNI. -Harley Davidson Softail Deluxe low profile seat that lowers the rider an additional 2" is included but not pictured. I have the original seats in the pics but both will be included with sale. -Vance Hines pipes that sound great without being obnoxious -Harley Davidson engine guards. Bike has NEVER been down. -Harley Davidson chrome handelbar switch boxes, rear axel covers, rear sproket cover, light shields, front/rear brake caliper covers. -Harley Davidson detachable windshield -This bike has fuel injection -This bike comes with alarm system and key fob

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First name: Cindy
Last name: Thomas
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